Radu Leca, about the current generation of parents: "The God syndrome is not only with doctors and politicians, but also with parents"

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Radu Leca, about the current generation of parents: "The God syndrome is not only with doctors and politicians, but also with parents" / PHOTO: freepik.com @EyeEm
Radu Leca, about the current generation of parents: "The God syndrome is not only with doctors and politicians, but also with parents" / PHOTO: freepik.com @EyeEm

Psychologist Radu Leca spoke at Present Parents about the current generation of parents.

Radu Leca stated that parents are a thousand times more affected than any sick or traumatized child.

"Parents are a thousand times sicker than any sick or traumatized child. That's the truth! And it's disturbing when you come on air, like today, on DCNews, right? You come and say: 'Good people, we have a real problem with parents!'

How sick is a parent who doesn't listen, understand, or see anything beyond what they want to see at a given moment, only acknowledging what they think and only what they hear and like 100%?

'Oh, that's an insult! Radu, you're wrong.'

No! I would be wrong if I stayed silent", said Radu Leca on Present Parents, a show by ParintisiPitici.ro.

What would the ideal "garden" for raising happy and balanced children look like?

Radu Leca: "We can lie, but what is the truth?"

The psychologist stated that we can deceive ourselves by saying that we have a perfect society, that genetically we are extraordinary, and that we have no problems. But what is the truth?

"We can lie, say that we have a perfect society, that genetically we are extraordinary, that we don't have Asperger's and autism, not even a 'light' form, that Down syndrome isn't multiplied by 20% nationally, that we don't have obese children who stuff themselves with croissants bought with their parents' money and chips, that all our children don't drink soda in the dark, that they are the most wonderful!

And what's the truth? Children today, in 2024, can hardly connect with simplified material, precisely because their level has become mediocre; everything related to individual study has become a mockery, all the games meant for 13-15-year-olds are played by minors aged 7 to 10, and all the anger and aggression of parents is in the child, and the child takes it to school", Radu Leca further stated.

Children and Phones. Chiru: "We have a big problem! People can't even imagine how big it is!" Leca: "Obesity, depression, anxiety!" Șerb: "We're running away from connection"

Radu Leca: "The God syndrome is not just with doctors and politicians, but also with parents"

Radu Leca stated that all teachers are considered guilty, while all children are perceived as extraordinary. Teachers live in a climate of fear, afraid to speak freely due to the risk of being sued, admonished, or having their cars vandalized.

"All teachers are at fault, always. And you end up living in a universe where you can't express yourself for fear of being sued, admonished, or finding your car scratched.

Do you have any idea how many times I've found my car scratched? Just this year! Let me tell you! 15 times! Windows broken, tires destroyed.


Because I go out and say: we have a real problem with education, health, medicine, socialization, with this misery of a phone that kids hold from the age of 1! Go to the mall and look at them, see how they sit there in strollers, their eyes glued to something they don't understand!

It's horrifying! It's a world of darkness!

The vast majority of parents believe they're gods. That's the worst part. The God syndrome is not just with doctors and politicians, but also with parents", Leca added.

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Autorul articolului: Loredana Iriciuc | Categorie: English

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