Radu Manole, the child who dominated the global junior salsa scene, won all possible titles. Andreea and Cătălin Munteanu: "We like to believe that we found each other"

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Radu Manole, the child who dominated the global junior salsa scene, won all possible titles. Andreea and Cătălin Munteanu: "We like to believe that we found each other" / PHOTO: Instagram @andreea_idancestudio, @iamcatalincho, @idanceromania
Radu Manole, the child who dominated the global junior salsa scene, won all possible titles. Andreea and Cătălin Munteanu: "We like to believe that we found each other" / PHOTO: Instagram @andreea_idancestudio, @iamcatalincho, @idanceromania

Radu Manole, a 17-year-old Romanian teenager, has won numerous junior world salsa titles, solidifying his position as a leader on the international dance scene. Andreea and Cătălin Munteanu, his instructors, shared on the show "Present Parents" how Radu's journey began and how he managed to reach the highest step of the global podium.

"We like to believe that we found each other. From our point of view, things somehow fall into place as they should. Radu was 8 years old when we created a choreography for him, and from that moment our paths united. We felt that we were on the same wavelength and began collaborating. We've been inseparable!" said Cătălin Munteanu, on "Present Parents", a show by ParintisiPitici.ro.

Radu participated in his first major international competition at the age of 11, in the children's category, where he won first place at a world championship. This was the first time a Romanian dancer had achieved such a title. Then, at the age of 12, he continued to dominate the junior category, reaffirming his talent and dedication to the art of dance.

"His first competition was at the age of 11 in the children's category. He managed to win first place. It was the first time a Romanian dancer had won a title at a world championship. The competition was in Orlando, Florida. The next title, in the junior category, came at the age of 12", added Cătălin Munteanu.

Andreea Munteanu: "Radu Manole is a perfectionist"

Andreea Munteanu revealed that creating the choreography for the world champion at the age of 11 was both a challenge and a captivating process.

"At 11, it was quite easy to do his choreography because at that time he was improving more and more and he caught on to the information very quickly. However, it was difficult from a dance perspective because he is a perfectionist. It was challenging to find the right elements, he's also a bit demanding, meaning everything he does has to look very good, he doesn't have much patience to wait for the transition from one element to another", said Andreea Munteanu.

Cătălin Munteanu, one of Radu Manole's coaches, shared the tension and emotion of the moment when the young dancer awaited the final result of the competition.

"He wanted to win! That's the beauty of competitions, you don't know what will happen and you wait to see. They announce the third place and then comes the second place. From that moment, you hope to be called in the first place. When he was called, the happiness was indescribable", Cătălin Munteanu noted.

Cătălin Munteanu: "No matter how hard it is, we never want to give up!"

Cătălin Munteanu, one of Radu Manole's coaches, speaks openly about the inherent difficulties on the path to success, emphasizing that giving up is not an option, even though moments of doubt may arise.

"Quitting is out of the question! I mean, no matter how hard it is, we never want to give up, and even if we say it, we say it in frustration to motivate ourselves", says Cătălin Munteanu.

Andreea adds: "It feels strange when you say 'Enough! That's it! Stop!' You get home and it gnaws at you that you could say something like that, and you realize what it would be like to not do that thing at all, so quitting is out of the question.

But, like any athlete, he has his moments. The mind is the problem here, it goes a bit crazy, but you recover and realize that just uttering that word doesn't feel right, let alone quitting...

There haven't been difficult moments in terms of mechanics, we've been spared from injuries that could jeopardize his entry into competitions."

"There are always difficult moments! We want so much to win and for everything to go well and to be pleasing to the eye, for spectators, but also judges, that we reach a point where we say 'That's it, I can't take it anymore, whatever happens, I don't want to participate anymore', but, you recover easily.

In my view, these are good moments because it's important to get past them and it's like an education. If you've overcome these moments, nothing can stop you! And these are the beauties of performance. The tough moments, I think, are the most important", Cătălin Munteanu added.

 "Parents are very important!"

The instructors at iDance emphasize the important role of parents in the success of their children.

"We believe that parents are very important and their support is needed. Firstly, parents, from our point of view, need to have confidence in themselves and the coaches. Essentially, that's what it's all about. When parents come and encourage their children, the kids will be very well and very stable", maintains Cătălin Munteanu.

"It boosts their self-esteem, they're confident they can achieve. The parent's confidence is very important", added Andreea Munteanu.

"Parents are very important from all perspectives! Unfortunately, in our dance community, financially as well! Supporting them, mainly meaning financially", Cătălin Munteanu also added.

Radu Manole has dominated the global stage

Radu Manole has dominated the global salsa dance scene in the junior category, winning every possible title from the age of 12 to 17. This year marked a significant moment in his career, being his last year in this category before moving on to the adult levels.

"This year was very important for him because he wanted to close everything with a victory, of course. The last competition probably had the most pressure.

Unfortunately, Radu recently had surgery for a meniscus tear, and in the last competition, he suffered from this injury, his leg hurt. He needed to rest, not to dance, but it was impossible not to. He couldn't manage it, he couldn't do it. He said, 'I'm going to participate, I want to finish the junior category because I'm moving to the adult categories and I want to end it with a victory!'" recounted Cătălin Munteanu.

Andreea Munteanu emphasizes not only Radu's exceptional talent but also his perseverance and passion for dance.

"He started in the 'Children' category, won it, and then in the 'Junior' category, from ages 12 to 17, he won it year after year!" said Andreea Munteanu.

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Autorul articolului: Loredana Iriciuc | Categorie: English
