The child doesn't understand in class, so we've started tutoring sessions!" Claudia Chiru: "We have a problem!"

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The child doesn't understand in class, so we've started tutoring sessions!" Claudia Chiru: "When a student leaves school without understanding, it means the teacher isn't doing their job! We have a problem" / PHOTO: @lenblr
The child doesn't understand in class, so we've started tutoring sessions!" Claudia Chiru: "When a student leaves school without understanding, it means the teacher isn't doing their job! We have a problem" / PHOTO: @lenblr

Primary school teacher Claudia Chiru spoke on "Părinți Prezenți" about the situation where parents feel the need to get tutoring for their children. In an ideal world, tutoring shouldn't be necessary to supplement the education provided at school. However, the reality is that many parents feel the need to resort to tutoring to fill the gaps left after school hours.

"The child doesn't understand in class, so out of necessity, we've started tutoring" is a common situation for many students in Romania.

Claudia Chiru argues that students' comprehension problems are often symptoms of a larger issue within the educational system. The primary school teacher emphasizes that most exercises should be done at school, not at home.

"When a child leaves school and doesn't know how to do their homework, hasn't understood, and accumulates gaps, it means the teacher isn't doing their job. And then we have a problem!

It's not normal to enter this profession if you're not prepared, if you don't know how to explain to a child if you don't understand that there are stages of development, that not all children grasp concepts at the same time, that you need to explain 100 times in different ways to reach each child's mind and find the moment when they are attentive and understand.

This means that a lot of exercises need to be done at school, not at home! The teacher must work with the child at school! The teacher has this duty, this obligation, to take the chalk and do exercises with the children at school!

Essays, too, should be done at school. You can assign them at home, but not just at home, and not 100 essays at home because the child will be overwhelmed and won't do anything! You need to work with them at school and teach them how to write an introduction, body, and conclusion, working side by side with them until they understand! That's your job!" asserts Claudia Chiru on "Părinți Prezenți", a show by

Claudia Chiru: "You have no place in education if you don't understand what the deal is with children"

Claudia Chiru spoke candidly about the responsibility of teachers to ensure that students understand the material at school and are not overwhelmed with homework at home. She emphasized that the main mission of teachers is to help children learn, not to burden parents with difficult assignments.

"So, how do we do it? Well, it's up to us, our profession! Otherwise, we'd be baking pies! I think it's more challenging; you start over, but otherwise, you have no place in education if you don't understand what the deal is with children, their psychology, and how to get them to learn.

So, very little homework and only what was done at school! The child should know how to do it! We can't call the whole neighborhood to solve a problem! We can't stress out the parents, grandparents, aunts, and whoever else... No!

I tell my students that when they don't know something at home, they should try. They are used to working with a draft. If they can't do it, they can write a message in their group to get an idea, and if not, they should bring it to school as it is.

The student must say when we're talking about homework, 'Miss, I didn't know how to do that problem, please explain it to me.' I explain the problem at school and then give another 3-9-10 similar problems, as many as I consider necessary, to ensure that the child understands.

There are more difficult problems, and there are children who don't understand, but it's not a disaster if they don't understand. Not everyone can go to Mars. It's not a problem! But they need to understand the basics!" added Claudia Chiru.

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Autorul articolului: Loredana Iriciuc | Categorie: English
