The most common mistakes parents make that lead to childhood obesity are rewarding children with food or forcing them to finish everything on their plate

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The most common mistakes parents make that lead to childhood obesity are rewarding children with food or forcing them to finish everything on their plate / PHOTO: freepik @alexandrgrant
The most common mistakes parents make that lead to childhood obesity are rewarding children with food or forcing them to finish everything on their plate / PHOTO: freepik @alexandrgrant

Childhood obesity is an increasingly common problem, and its causes are often linked to the habits and decisions of parents. Nutrition consultant Anca Cooney Soare and psychologist Renata Iancu highlighted the common mistakes parents make, often unknowingly, during the show "Părinți Prezenți". 

"Parents should NOT reward children with food! Most of the time, I've observed, and I don't want to upset parents here, but sometimes we need to be aware of what is happening—many parents, and grandparents, reward children after school hours with fast food. This is not a good reward!" psychologist Renata Iancu emphasized in "Părinți Prezenți", a show by

Using food, speedy food, as a reward for academic or behavioral performance can instill unhealthy eating habits in children that lead to weight gain. Moreover, this reward can associate positive emotions with food, which can contribute to emotional eating and, consequently, obesity.

Not just food makes you gain weight! Discover the main causes of childhood obesity. Psychologist Iancu and nutrition counselor Cooney Soare highlight the issues

Psychologist Renata Iancu: "The best reward is words!"

Psychologist Renata Iancu emphasizes the importance of words as a form of reward: "The best reward is words! That is, children is much more motivated and their self-esteem grows when parents or grandparents tell them when they do something good, 'bravo, we're proud of you,' 'you did very well,' or 'I'm glad you got this grade.'"

Praising and encouraging children for their efforts and achievements not only reinforces positive behaviors but also contributes to the development of healthy self-esteem. This can be an extremely effective method of motivation without the negative effects associated with food rewards. Additionally, material rewards, if necessary, should be given in moderation.

"Let's offer rewards differently, even material ones, if necessary, let's do it once a month and only when it's truly deserved. That is, let's not always offer material rewards or food", adds Renata Iancu.

"The child is chubby and cute"? Warning signs that show the little one is becoming obese! Cooney Soare: "It will be the number one disease!" / Iancu: "In childhood, they are vulnerable"

Nutrition Consultant Anca Cooney Soare: "Portions are way too big!"

Nutrition consultant Anca Cooney Soare also highlighted several mistakes parents make in their children's diet and lifestyle, thus contributing to the development of obesity.

"Firstly, unhealthy eating! I give the child processed foods and fast food. If you take the child to a fast food restaurant to eat, you do it once, you do it twice, three times, and it already becomes a routine. For the child, going to fast food becomes normal", explained Anca Cooney Soare.

Forcing children to eat large portions, even when they are no longer hungry, can teach them to ignore the body's natural signals of satiety. This can lead to overeating and, consequently, obesity.

"Portions are way too big! You give a portion that's too big. 'You haven't eaten all day; you have to eat! You have to eat everything on the plate.' Maybe the child is no longer hungry, satiety has set in, but they know they have to eat everything on the plate, otherwise, mom will be upset", the expert added.

The risks of childhood obesity | Nutritionist counselor Anca Cooney Soare and psychologist Renata Iancu reveal hidden dangers. A warning for parents!

Anca Cooney Soare: "There is no breakfast, no lunch, no dinner!"

An irregular diet can lead to disorganized eating habits and excessive consumption of unhealthy snacks. Establishing fixed times for main meals helps maintain a healthy metabolic rhythm and prevent constant hunger.

"The lack of structure in daily eating: there is no breakfast, no lunch, no dinner. The child does not know that they need to eat at fixed times or have breakfast before going to school.

Using food as a reward. Instead, let's use time spent together as a reward. Let's go for a walk, and watch an educational movie together", further explained Anca Cooney Soare.

Parents play an important role in shaping their children's habits

Physical activity is essential for maintaining a healthy weight. Encouraging children to be active and participate in sports or outdoor physical activities helps prevent obesity.

"Promoting a sedentary lifestyle. It's convenient to give the child the phone while I do some chores around the house. NO! Encourage the child to go out, to exercise, to go outside with friends, or enroll them in a sport", says Anca Cooney Soare.

Parents play an important role in shaping their children's habits. By setting a personal example, parents can positively influence their children's eating behaviors and physical activity levels.

"You, as a parent, are a model for your child. The child always does what they see the parent doing, not what they say. So, be a model for your child because if you are a model for your child, your child will develop these healthy habits. As long as they see you having a healthy diet, exercising, and not spending too much time in front of a screen, they will do the same", the expert added.

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Autorul articolului: Loredana Iriciuc | Categorie: English

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