What is the soul of a child-like if they have the Moon in Fire signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius? Daniela Simulescu: "They want to discover, to learn, to know!"

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What is the soul of a child-like if they have the Moon in Fire signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius? Daniela Simulescu: "They want to discover, to learn, to know!" / PHOTO: freepik.com @Aqashahmed
What is the soul of a child-like if they have the Moon in Fire signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius? Daniela Simulescu: "They want to discover, to learn, to know!" / PHOTO: freepik.com @Aqashahmed

Astrologer Daniela Simulescu from DC Media Group, chief editor of Astrosens.ro, said on the show "Present Parents," hosted by the chief editor of ParintisiPitici.ro, Loredana Iriciuc, what it means to have the Moon in each zodiac sign at the moment of birth.

Today we will present what it means to have the Moon in the Fire signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.

Moon in Aries

When the Moon is in the sign of Aries, Daniela Simulescu says that the child's soul is like spring. But what does this metaphor of spring mean? It's about the desire to start new things, impatience, quick boredom, overflowing energy, physical activity, inability to sit still, and constant competition.

"When the Moon is in Aries, the child's soul is like spring. Why? Because his mother is a very energetic woman, very hardworking, and very independent. And when you grow up with such a woman, throughout your life, you have spring inside you. When I say spring, what does it mean? You want to start, you are impatient, you want freshness, you get bored, you are very energetic, very sporty, you don't stay still, and you are always very competitive.

Attention! The way we relate to astrology, there is no 'it's good' or 'it's bad.' Everything in astrology, from my point of view, represents both a resource and a vulnerability.

When you have a Moon in Aries, you have a very energetic mother, but you also have a mother who is very dominating at times or a mother who is more in the masculine zone, let's say, who is the one who imposes rules. And with the Moon in Aries, regardless of whether you are a girl or a boy, as you grow up, you always have this need to win, to hurry things up, and it comes with a bit of anger.

For example, if the child is Pisces but has the Moon in Aries, that child is not just Pisces because their need is always to do something, to do sports, to be in competition, to be active, to express themselves.

So, it's a permanent spring. I said spring because spring doesn't wait to start. Spring starts when it wants, how it wants, and in what way it wants.

That's how the Moon in Aries is! It's full of life!

In the early years of life, the mother worked, the mother did things, the mother didn't stay still, she was always the woman who got another job or worked a lot when the child was young, or a mother who always had things to do or who does many activities with the child. It's very interesting because you can be the most sensitive woman in the world, but when you give birth to a child with the Moon in Aries, you also transform, and the child perceives you", said Daniela Simulescu on Present Parents, a show by ParintisiPitici.ro.

PHOTO: freepik.com @francisco75


Moon in Leo

When a child is born with the Moon in Leo, it is said that the mother is extremely proud and teaches them from an early age that important part of self-respect, regardless of the family's financial situation. When you have the Moon in Leo, an extraordinary narcissistic need arises. The child feels they must be the center of attention wherever they go. The mother spoils them, admires them, and constantly supports them, thus fueling their sense of importance and superiority.

"It is the archetype of light like a plant growing towards the sun in summer and receiving warmth and light, regardless of the circumstances.

When a child is born with the Moon in Leo, the mother is very proud and teaches them that part of self-esteem from an early age, regardless of the family's situation. Like 'So what if we didn't have money or we didn't have situations, I'm proud because my mother was proud, she managed.'

The child with the Moon in Leo always has a very creative mother. She either crochets, goes to movies, goes to the theater, and transmits this to the child. And the child has many talents.

When you have a Moon in Leo, there is an extraordinary narcissistic need. When you enter a room, the spotlight must be on you. The mother babysits them, spoils them, listens to them, and makes compromises: 'Go ahead, want to skip school? No problem. Mom lets you skip.' Or 'Only you are the most beautiful, you are the smartest, you are the most extraordinary.' It's that mom who pumps there all the time, pumps, pumps, and the child with the Moon in Leo believes they are the greatest, the best, something that might help in life, but here and there it might come with many challenges because a person with the Moon in Leo takes things very personally very quickly.

If you put them in a place with more people and they don't get a bit of attention, it's serious, it's absolutely serious.

A person with the Moon in Leo constantly wants to win attention! The child with the Moon in Leo says shocking things, and wants to gain a lot of prestige, a lot of respect.

For a mother who has a child with the Moon in Leo, the little one has been like a spectacle, and that child needs a stage anywhere.

Let me give you an example, let's say you have a Cancer or Pisces child and you think how sensitive they are, but when they have a Moon in Leo, not at all, absolutely not at all! That child needs that constant attention, and you have to give it to them from time to time.

If you have children with the Moon in Leo, they see you as a queen, as an important person, and they will grow up believing they are the same. However, you still need to adjust certain expectations.

There are no better actors than those with the Moon in Leo! When they know they need to get something, they play and play in a big way.

The Moon in Leo is very creative, very artistic, very ambitious, and competitive, but it also has this narcissistic side. Unfortunately, as they grow up, they may encounter problems because of it. Children with the Moon in Leo are very good leaders. Children with the Moon in Leo, from a young age, take everyone by the hand and tell them what to do", the astrologer pointed out.

The connection between the position of the Moon at the time of birth and the relationship you have with your mother. Daniela Simulescu: "I call it our soul!"

PHOTO: freepik.com @Iftikhar Alam

Moon in Sagittarius

Children with the Moon in Sagittarius is characterized by expansiveness, full of energy, and an insatiable desire to explore the world. They are eager to travel, discover, learn, and experience. Their relationship with their mother is often one of friendship, with the mother being the one who exposes them to various events from a young age.

"When I think of the Moon in Sagittarius, I only think that in the early part of life, they had a very optimistic and faithful mother. A mother with whom they traveled a lot, a mother who read to them a lot, a mother who introduced them to the vast world. When I think of the soul of a child with the Moon in Sagittarius, I think of a little horse galloping without obstacles, without anything.

Children with the Moon in Sagittarius are very expansive and full of energy, there is an excess of zeal because they are insatiable. They want to know the world, to travel, to discover, to learn, to know.

The risk with a Moon in Sagittarius is a bit of superficiality and a bit more pronounced sense of adventure than others. But otherwise, a child with the Moon in Sagittarius can catch the wind, defend other children, can be very eager to learn foreign languages, to know, and to discover other worlds. That is, it's a child who never gets bored.

They are very sociable and very eager for people. The mother has taken a child with the Moon in Sagittarius to events since they were little, and the relationship with the mother is more of companionship.

It is also possible that the mother may have indoctrinated them a little religiously, and the child may not have had the space to exercise their freedom, to say whether they want to or not, and suddenly find themselves having to follow some customs with which they may not agree as they grow up.

If you have children with the Moon in Sagittarius, travel with them, attend events, read to them, teach them, but do not try to indoctrinate them because when they grow up, they may not want to stay at home", Daniela Simulescu added.

Don't miss it tomorrow! We will detail what it means to have the Moon in the Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn!


The websites recommended by astrologer Daniela Simulescu to find the position of the Moon at birth are:



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Autorul articolului: Loredana Iriciuc | Categorie: English

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